Making ILCA racing even easier!........COMING SOON!


ILCA are the most popular racing boat in the world.
But the cost of regatta charters is getting higher and higher!
Yet thousands of ILCAs sit on the shore not used each year....Boat Buddi matches boat owners with racers to make international racing even easier!FOR RACERS: With BOAT BUDDI you can connect with fellow ILCA owners to find a locally available boat all around the world.FOR ILCA OWNERS: Make money with your boat, dont just let it sit on the beach all summer!



Just like Airbnb but for ILCAs!

For ILCA Owners

You have a boat thats not being used? Become a BOAT BUDDI and make some money whilst helping another racer

For ILCA Racers

You want to sail in a regatta overseas or in another part of the country but the cost of boat transport is too high? Find a BOAT BUDDI and have a boat ready to use on site

credit: Giovanni De Sandre

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